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FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

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FORM for Trehalose
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FORM for Trehalose
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Public without Huntington’s,
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Trehalose Plays Major Role in Nanotechnology Developments
Trehalose Plays Major Role in Nanotechnology Developments

Comments by J. C. Spencer

New research indicates that the sugar trehalose will play a major role in future nanotechnological developments. We know trehalose can be utilized for positively altering gene expression. Do not confuse altering gene expression with genetic engineering. Genetic engineering can create new species. Positively altering gene expression can bring out the best of the DNA to correct corrupted signals.

We have seen this especially in neurodegenerative diseases. The nano size trehalose molecule improves brain function through its tiny architectural design enabling it to reach its destination where larger molecules cannot go. Trehalose applies its ability to affect the signals and after it has achieved its purpose, it becomes what I call �the slow drip of glucose� in its purest form. You know, like the glucose drip you automatically receive when you check into a hospital.

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Drug companies will be using trehalose in drugs as skin care companies are using trehalose in their products because trehalose can go where other healthful molecules cannot go. This research was conducted at Cambridge in the UK

J Mater Sci Mater Med. 2009 Aug 29. [Epub ahead of print]

The mesoporosity of microparticles spray dried from trehalose and nanoparticle hydroxyapatite depends on the ratio of nanoparticles to sugar and nanoparticle surface charge.

Wright DM, Saracevic ZS, Kyle NH, Motskin M, Skepper JN.

Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience, Multi-Imaging Centre School of Biological Sciences, Anatomy Building, Downing Street, Cambridge, CB2 3DY, UK, [email protected].

The ratio of hydroxyapatite (HA) nanoparticles (NP) to trehalose in composite microparticle (MP) vaccine vehicles by determining inter-nanoparticle space potentially influences antigen release. Mercury porosimetry and gas adsorption analysis have been used quantify this space. Larger pores are present in MPs spray dried solely from nanoparticle gel compared with MPs spray dried from nanoparticle colloid which have less inter-nanoparticle volume. This is attributed to tighter nanoparticle packing caused by citrate modification of their surface charge. The pore size distributions (PSD) for MP where the trehalose has been eliminated by combustion generally broaden and shifts to higher values with increasing initial trehalose content. Modal pore size, for gel derived MPs is comparable to modal NP width below 30% initial trehalose content and approximates to modal NP length (~50 nm) at 60% initial trehalose content. For colloidally derived MPs this never exceeds the modal NP width. Pore-sizes are comparable, to surface inter-nanoparticle spacings observed by SEM.



Last Updated ( Sep 07, 2009 at 09:02 AM )