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University Study Shows Specific Sugars Improve Brain Function
University Study Shows Specific Sugars Improve Brain Function

by J. C. Spencer

BrainFunctionWashington, DC Howard University study shows improved brain function using specific sugars. This boost in brain power with normal healthy subjects supports the two published papers from the Alzheimer�s Pilot Surveys conducted by The Endowment for Medical Research in Houston. The Council For Responsible Nutrition (CRN) Research Watch states, "... a published randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study investigating the impact of Ambrotose� complex on the brain function of 62 healthy young adults. The study showed that a single, one-tablespoon serving of Ambrotose complex significantly improved visual discrimination and working memory."

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Plant-derived nutraceutical may boost brain power

Glyconutrient supplementation may have effects on cognitive function, according to a study that examined the influence of these plant sugars on perception, cognition and memory in 62 college students. In randomized, double-blind, cross-over trial with 1-week wash out periods, participants received 1 tablespoon of glyconutrients or placebo (rice starch) 45 minutes before performing cognitive tasks designed to evaluate perceptual skills, attention, working memory, etc. The students' scores indicated significant improvement in accuracy of visual discrimination (of environmental inputs) following glyconutrient supplementation but not following placebo. In addition, scores on the simple, but not complex, working memory task were better after glyconutrient consumption than after placebo; although the difference was significant for only one of two sessions. Scores on tasks of cognition and attention were not significantly different between glyconutrient and placebo conditions.

Source: Stancil AN and Hicks LH.* Glyconutrients and perception, cognition, and memory. Percept Mot Skills. 2009;108: 259-270

* Both at Howard University, Washington, DC

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Last Updated ( Oct 09, 2009 at 01:05 PM )