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What some doctors are saying about the Swine / H1N1 Flu
What some doctors are saying about the Swine / H1N1 Flu

by J. C. Spencer

Is the H1N1 Flu vaccine more dangerous than the disease? What are the risks? Has something gone wrong with the system or the companies making them? More doctors are preaching prevention about getting your immune system in shape. Here are two video clips about flu shots. One is filmed at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccinations (sponsored by the National Vaccine Information Center) in October, 2009. Listen to what these health professionals have to say! The other video is a heart breaking story of neurological disaster apparently caused by the flu shot.

International Public Conference on Vaccinations (October 2009) Video

Flu Shot Side Effects video


Last Updated ( Oct 29, 2009 at 09:50 AM )