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New Uses for Trehalose - Add to EVERY Recipe - Here's Why
New Uses for Trehalose - Add to EVERY Recipe - Here’s Why

by J. C. Spencer

We have learned of new uses for the healthful sugar trehalose that you can share with your family and friends this Christmas Season. The multi-reasons trehalose can be added to almost every dish include 1) trehalose enhances flavor; 2) trehalose increases health benefits; 3) trehalose keeps water pockets from forming when refrigerated or frozen; 4) trehalose helps preserve food and extend life and freshness; 5) trehalose is a simple way to reduce you and your family's use of bad sugars. And, 6) make this a Season you are not worried about too much sugar - because trehalose is the GOOD sugar.

Some of the new uses for trehalose include meats in the early stages of preparation, like beef, pork, deer and fowl sausage and hamburger. Sprinkle and mix trehalose throughout the sausage or hamburger meat. Because trehalose is only 45% as sweet as table sugar, you are not as concerned with making the dishes too sweet. With cookies, brownies, pies, and cakes, if you replace table sugar with trehalose, they will not be as sweet but that may be a good thing. An interesting side benefit seems to be that the more trehalose one eats, the more the crave for sugar is removed. Diabetics are encouraged to continue to monitor their sugar load; however, diabetics are indicating that their sugar balance is more normal while using trehalose. More information is available at www.DiabeticHope.com

You are welcome to view recipes and share your recipes with us on Sugar Science Forum at www.endowmentmed.org or simply e-mail them to us at [email protected]. Give trehalose to your friends this Christmas. View the creative ideas on our Home Page.