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Interaction Between Trehalose and Alkaline-earth Metal Ions
Interaction Between Trehalose and Alkaline-earth Metal Ions

by J. C. Spencer

During the last few months I have been experimenting with the sugar trehalose as the base for a complex composition formulated with specific trace minerals and a delivery system that penetrates the human cell. We have formulated a proprietary composition that may have profound health benefits as a functional food. Does it work and is it actually beneficial? More research is needed and will be ongoing. More information about this work will be in Volume Two of The Trehalose Handbook. Meanwhile, you may download a free copy of the 93 page e-handbook Volume One online from the website www.pHmarker.com.

Below is the abstract of a science paper entitled Interaction between trehalose and alkaline-earth metal ions. Students of glycomics will appreciate this finding.

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Interaction between trehalose and alkaline-earth metal ions.

Oku K, Kurose M, Kubota M, Fukuda S, Kurimoto M, Tujisaka Y, Sakurai M.
Amase Institute, Hayashibara Biochemical Laboratories, Inc, Okayama, Japan. [email protected]

We investigated the interaction between trehalose and alkaline-earth metal ions. The nuclear relaxation times of carbon atoms of trehalose were shortened by addition of the alkaline-earth chloride salts, MgCl2, CaCl2, and SrCl2, indicating that trehalose formed metal-complexes with the alkaline-earth metal chlorides. From the data of the 1H-1H coupling constants of trehalose in the presence of the alkaline-earth chlorides, it appeared that trehalose formed complexes with MgCl2, and CaCl2 at the various complexing sites: Mg2+ was coordinated to O-4 and O-4' of trehalose, and Ca2+ to O-2 and O-3. We succeeded in the preparation of two types of crystals of the trehalose/ CaCl2. One was a crystal consisting of trehalose, CaCl2, and water in a ratio of 1:1:1. The other was an anhydrous crystal containing trehalose and CaCl2 in a ratio of 1:2. Several applications of the complexing between trehalose and the metal ions for food processing are proposed.

Click Here to read this Abstract at PubMed


Last Updated ( Mar 03, 2010 at 04:58 PM )