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In thousands of cancer cases evaluated by H. Foster, 87% percent of those with "spontaneous remissions" had made major dietary changes prior to tumor regression. The Dietary Supplement Health Education Act of 1994 resulted in millions of US citizens adding a plethora of supplements to their diets. A favorable response by 5 patients that failed all cancer therapy was noted after it was stopped.

By Hyland G and Miller MT.

We found that they had consumed glyconutrient, phytonutrient and phytogenin containing dietary supplements. A search revealed that Busbee et. al 1994 found a glyconutrient in these diet supplements increased IL -1, IL-6, INF and TNF production in monocyte cultures. See et. al 1999 reported enhanced NK lymphocyte cytolytic function in response to multiple glyconutrients. Barhomi et. al 1997 found glyconutrients increased intracellular reduced-glutathione protection 50% in liver cells. Such activity provides a potential differential effect for tumor cell destruction and normal cell protection.
 To increase our observations, patients with malignancies were solicited from a 3 state area and 127 volunteered
 to add nutraceuticals to their diet. 100 patients returned a quality of life survey focusing on weight loss, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, pain control, ability to complete treatments on schedule, physical activity and sense of wellbeing.
 Forty percent of the group had failed standard therapy and were in a state of progressive disease. Sixty percent were starting radiation or chemo-therapy. Eighty-five percent reported improvements in the above clinical parameters. The phytogenin supplement contains plant sterols for nutrient-based endocrine support. Ovarian, breast, uterine, and prostate malignancy patients were discouraged from taking this nutrient. Some elected
 to add the phytogenin to their diet and they reported the best preservation of appetite, muscle mass, and had the
 least side-effects during treatment. Patients with a diagnosis of ovarian carcinoma, astrocytoma grade IV, lymphoma with mild marrow suppression, a massive pelvic myxosarcoma, and colon adenocarcinoma with brain metastasis had unprecedented responses.
 Conclusions: Nutraceutical dietary supplements (1) do not inhibit tumor cell destruction by radiation and chemotherapy (2) enhance tumor cell destruction (3) protect normal cells from radiation and cytotoxic damage (4)
 induce reductions in tumor mass in malignancies resistant to all treatments (5) improve quality of life for patients
 by reducing treatment toxicity and side effects from radiation and chemotherapy. A formal, controlled clinical study is warranted to further evaluate the effects of nutraceutical dietary supplementation in combination with standard cancer therapy.
 Oral Presentation: Comprehensive Cancer Care II: Integrating Complementary & Alternative Therapies,
 Sponsored by Center for Mind-Body Medicine & National Cancer Institute, Hyatt Regency Crystal City, Arlington, VA, June 1999.