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Louisiana has top rate of syphilis
UNDATED Louisiana's rate of syphilis cases ranked number one in the nation last year, while its gonorrhea rate placed second and its chlamydia rate was third.

State health experts say the numbers are grim but not surprising.

The federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says Louisiana's syphilis rate is seven-point-four cases per 100-thousand people, compared with two-point-seven cases per 100-thousand nationally.

The state's gonorrhea rate is 234-point-four cases per 100-thousand, while the national figure is 113-point-five per 100-thousand. The chlamydia rate is 485-point-seven per 100-thousand, compared with 319-point-six per 100-thousand nationally.

Copyright 2005 Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten, or redistributed.
