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WEIGHT LOSS - Trehalose and Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic* - Lesson #10

This drink may change your life and improve your health conditions: WEIGHT LOSS + Detox • Acid Reflux and Heartburn • Candida (Yeast) and Bad Breath • Improve pH balance • Metabolism • Blood Sugar • Blood Pressure • and Diabetes

GlycoScience Lesson #10
by JC Spencer

This drink is a natural remedy that is great for weight loss plus it gives me sustained energy, helps detox my body and improves my digestion - for starters.

The day just seems to go better on the mornings that I sip my Trehalose Apple Cider Vinegar Tonic. I prepare this hot toddy with 4 to 6 Tablespoons of Trehalose in a cup or glass, add a couple of Tablespoons of raw unfiltered apple cider vinegar and pour 4 to 6 ounces of hot water into the mix. Ambient or cold water may be acceptable as well.

New studies indicate that apple cider vinegar also helps acid reflux, diabetes, and helps lower high blood pressure. The micro-nutrient trace minerals that come along with the drink just may help your mitochondria improve your metabolism.

Another thing, the enzymes and probiotics are great for you too; but you need to make sure the apple cider vinegar you get has the “live mother” in it. Oh, did I mention that this is also a weight loss drink. One more thing, this drink can help balance your pH regardless if you make it with vinegar or lemon.

WOW, let’s go over the benefits. The tonic is good for the liver and lymphatic system which can help detox your body. It helps balance your body’s pH and stimulates your cardiovascular system, bowel motility and lymphatic drainage. Lots of people have problems with candida and yeast. Three possible candida side effects can be (1) bad breath, (2) lack of energy, and (3) compounded digestive issues. The tonic contains probiotics and may promote growth of probiotics which help kill candida. Regular sugar feeds candida but Trehalose further helps protect you from candida.

The tonic contains acetic acid which is acidic in nature but has an alkaline effect on your body. Balancing your pH and blood sugar are a major keys to reduce your risk of sickness and disease.

Tonic is from the family of words: tone, toned, to tune as in music and medicine, mental and muscle; as in tonic harmony relating to speech tones or to languages with the ability to distinguish the different although to the untrained observer appear identical.

Noah Webster 1828 Dictionary gives the definition of tonic as: Literally, increasing tension; hence, increasing strength, as tonic power; in medicine, increasing strength, or the tone of the animal system; obviating the effects of debility, and restoring healthy functions; in music, the keynote or principle sound which generates all the rest [requiring] a certain degree of tension [to produce the desired effect].

During the last decade a number of journals and published studies verify that the contents of this apple cider tonic could reduce body fat and improve health on many fronts. Universities around the world continue to research the many health benefits of the sugar Trehalose. We welcome your response for personal benefit achievements as we continue research in Glycoscience.

Special note: Consult your physician before taking this tonic or changing your diet. If you are using pH Fusion Tea, this tonic may also be taken BUT DO NOT TAKE WITHIN 30 MINUTES.

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Glycoscience Lesson #10


� The Endowment for Medical Research, Inc.   www.endowmentmed.org