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The Coming Tsunami of Infections - Lesson #17

Caused by Out-Of-Control Viruses and Bacteria

GlycoScience Lesson #17
by JC Spencer

Deadly diseases have started to ravage the planet and there is no escape except a good immune system. Fear not and be prepared. This is not a message of gloom and doom but one of preparation for the fight of your life.

• Diseased immigrants flood our boarders.
• Ebola totally out of control in West Africa.
• Saudi Arabia issues deadly Mers warning.
• Deadly bacteria can get out of control
   because of CDC laboratory procedures.
• Hantavirus kills about half of those infected.
• Nonalcoholic liver disease is now epidemic.
• viral disaster is ahead that could kill a
   third of all humanity.
• Medical blunders endanger lives with more
   unskilled “professionals”.
• Bio-terrorism is a valid concern that could
   kill millions.
• Toxins increasing on all fronts.
• Open borders - what could possibly go

Deer mice pass on the killer hantavirus to humans by excrement dust airborne when one sweeps or vacuums.

Doctors warn of a fatal nonalcoholic steatohepatitis fatty liver disease that leaves patients looking for a transplant. NASH has become a serious threat to millions of US residences. Numbers are skyrocketing and fueling of the crisis is thought to be consumption of high fructose corn syrup (HFCS) that is a major contributor to obesity.

"NASH is becoming the next big epidemic to hit America," said Anurag Maheshwari, M.D., a liver specialist at Mercy Medical Center in Baltimore. Bipan Chand, M.D., director of the Loyola Center for Metabolic Surgery and Bariatric Care at Loyola University Medical School in Chicago agrees. He explained, “High fructose corn syrup may be at the root of the epidemic. Fat buildup in the liver is estimated to cause 20% of American adults and 10% percent of children to now have NASH.

It appears that liver damage by alcohol abuse has been surpassed by HFCS. For many, soft drinks may be more damaging than alcohol. Expert estimates tell us that about 25 million Americans will have NASH in ten year and about 5 million will need livers transplants. Liver disease increases risk of diabetes, heart problems, elevated triglycerides, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure.

Your first line of defense may be your last line of defense. Your immune system is your first line of defense. Now, with some bacteria and viruses on the loose, your immune system is also your last line of defense. There is no know antibiotic or drug that prevents or kills the super bacteria and viruses. Cut off the supply line of harmful sugars, sweeteners and junk foods. Boost your immune system today with better healthful eating and Smart Sugars.

Source and References:


Reuters: http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/06/26/us-health-ebola-who-idUSKBN0F11BP20140626?feedType=RSS&feedName=healthNews

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Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life   http://DiabeticHope.com

Glycoscience Lesson #17   http://www.GlycoscienceNEWS.com/pdf/Lesson17.pdf


� The Endowment for Medical Research, Inc.   www.endowmentmed.org