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I HAD A STROKE and I Am Horribly Embarrassed - Lesson #29

My wife was right. I should have exercised much more!

My desire is for this unexpected challenge to benefit others. Here is what I have learned... so far.

GlycoScience Lesson #29

by JC Spencer

Shortly after daybreak, in heavy Houston traffic, I headed to a breakfast meeting with good friend and publisher, Eddie Smith, of Worldwide Publishing. I stopped at a traffic light and had a stroke.

Not conscious when the light changed, I apparently kept my foot on the brake. I was awakened to what sounded like a flock of loud geese when I realized it was honking cars, as a lady pounded on my window, yelling, “Are you okay?”

Flailing uncontrollably, my left arm was flinging water from a bottle that I could hardly hold. My reply to the lady was slurred and I was drooling from the left side of my mouth. At the hospital, I would be informed by a cardiologist that I had two strokes � one sending a clot to my frontal lobe and another to the back of my brain.

I managed to lower the car window and tried to respond to her question. A few people soon gathered around the car and a man sounded an alarm to others, “The engine  is still running and the car is in gear!”

The man hastily reached through the window and shifted the car into park and then, a moment later, into neutral, so a group of men could push it from the far left lane across the lanes of stopped traffic so they could roll my car into a parking lot.

Call 911
Meanwhile, the lady had called 911. Within minutes I was placed on a stretcher and wheeled into an ambulance. My right hand retrieved my cell phone; I handed it to the paramedic and asked if she would call Eddie and reschedule our breakfast meeting.

Lights and sound
Various simple response tests were performed in the ambulance. I had given my ID and business card to the paramedics and introduced them to Glycoscience. The driver asked the paramedic if she wanted to take me to the nearby hospital. She replied that he should take me to a more distant hospital that has a Neuroscience Center.

The sheriff’s department sent a deputy to the house to notify my wife.

Regaining speech
On the way to the hospital, a paramedic asked me to repeat a tongue tangler. My slurred speech was improving and I was able to repeat his line without getting my tang tungled up. Then I added, “There was a skunk that sat on a stump and the stump thunk the skunk stunk.” They grinned slightly but no standing ovation. Apparently, they were more serious than I. The response was something like, “You are doing well.”

The emergency room was home for the next seven hours and I began to complain that I was about to starve. Still no breakfast, I told the nurse that if I didn’t get something to eat soon, she was going to have to feed me intravenously. She said they would give me a low salt diet. I asked, “Is that congruent with the saline drip going into my left arm?” She glanced at the saltwater drip. I smiled. She said, “We’ll take you off that.”

Karen called my cell while I was stretched out in the emergency room. I could tell by her voice she was both happy and angry. Happy that I was alive and angry that... well, her exact words were, “I guess this is not a good time to tell you that you have to get more exercise.”

I was moved to a private room on the fourth floor that overlooks a lake. My wife brought to me the Smart Sugars that I have written much about during the last two decades which I immediately began to consume.

My evening meal was baked salmon with steamed vegetables, hot tea and chilled pears. The quest of my pallet for fine food was satisfied. Hospital food can taste great!

The last time I was in a hospital was for an appendectomy when I was a teenager. Flashbacks brought to mind the doctor who removed my appendix in the 50s. He entered my room after the surgery to tell me that all went well. I asked him if after the operation, can I play the piano. He answered, “Of course.” I told him that was wonderful because I couldn’t play the piano before.

I downed more Smart Sugars. By then, I had a grip on things, like my water bottle, with my left hand (my dominant hand). I was ever so grateful.

Resting between and during the medical tests, I was feeling really well and ready to go home. By early afternoon my speech was no longer slurred and all motor functions had returned. But, they wanted me to spend the night and conduct more tests.

The next day, the therapist tested my reflexes and functions, then walked with me as we circled the fourth floor. I asked if she wanted to run. She said, “We can’t do that.”  I was back to “normal” with an understanding that “normal” is not good enough. The question lingered, “How can I prevent another stroke?”

The stroke was not cholesterol related
The doctors assured me that the stroke was not caused by high cholesterol. My cholesterol, they said, was fine. The diagnosis was Atrial Fibrillation (afib), an irregular heartbeat that varies the kinetic force of blood.
The good news is that afib is reversible. I was told that atrial fibrillation can occur in seemingly healthy hearts and that I should avoid caffeine and other drug stimulants. I’m glad it is reversible but we need to know what causes it.

In atrial fibrillation, the heart's normal electrical "pacemaker" is bombarded by competing electrical charges, which is thought to originate in the atria. These competing impulses initiate chaotic muscle contractions, so instead of contracting forcefully to move the blood out, the atria quivers and "fibrillates." But, what was the unseen influence sending these erratic impulses?

I learned that prolonged high blood pressure and other unseen influences can cause afib. Because the blood is not flowing properly, there is aggregation of red blood cells. Back pressure on blood flow compounds the problem.

My neurologist and cardiologist recommended a blood thinner. I said that it was my understanding that hemorrhaging is a high-risk side effect from that medication. Instead, I accepted a 325mg coated aspirin per day with a meal.

Traditional medical strategy is to continually monitor blood that may be “too thick” or “too thin”.

Blood viscosity is the thickness and stickiness of blood.  Viscosity determines how well the blood flows through vessels. The more friction the blood has against the vessels, the more difficult the heart has to work. How much oxygen delivered to brain, organs and tissues is determined by the health and viscosity of the blood. Normal blood viscosity is 40/100.

Blood viscosity changes with flow rate. When blood moves quickly, it is physically thinner. When blood moves slowly, it is thicker and stickier.

While my afib was not caused by cholesterol, many studies have linked cholesterol with blood viscosity. LDL (lethal) is the killer because it is thick. HDL (healthy) is associated with lower viscosity.

Increased (thicker) blood viscosity is the only biological parameter that links all major cardiovascular risk factors, including high blood pressure, elevated LDL cholesterol, low HDL, type-II diabetes, metabolic syndrome, obesity, smoking, age, and male gender.

Various measuring techniques are used to determine viscosity of any liquid, from counting the seconds for a liquid to drain off a stick to sophisticated instrumentation.

Standard measurement of blood viscosity and quality control in the medical field is less known to the public than that used in the petrochemical field to grade oil. Yet, LIFE is in the blood and we need to better understand blood quality. In the last twenty years, I have dedicated my life to understanding how to improve quality and performance of blood including proper flow.

And yet, here I was in the middle of a stroke. This event is more than “a wake up call.” Thank God that I can still put my mind to it. I am on a fast learning curve of what went wrong and how to possibly lower the risks of strokes for myself and others.

Without question, far more good is going to come out of this stroke situation than I ever thought. We should always seek blessings out of the problems.

2 Days Later
The physical therapist said that I didn’t need any therapy. So, on Friday afternoon, I walked out of the hospital after making a "beautiful signature" on the dismissal papers with my left hand. Wednesday morning I could not even hold the pen. Thank God, I was able to walk out of the hospital and drive home. On the way, we stopped at one of our favorite restaurants. Karen and I enjoyed dinner and then went to see, the just released movie, “Do You Believe?”

Increased Interest in Strokes
You don’t have a stroke and become an expert on strokes overnight although it did heighten my interest and knowledge. My intent is to connect more dots for cause and effect and to better understand these newly discovered connections.

Two factors I promised myself and my wife, was that I will wisely exercise much more and obtain more sleep. Rest and exercise are critical factors to better health. I don’t want to grow up to be like the old gentleman who said, “If I knew I were going to live this long, I would have taken better care of myself.” I need to get off my duff and exercise.
In addition to an increased amount of the twelve specific Smart Sugars, I decided to consume other natural plant source nutrients including: magnesium, L-carnitine, CoQ10 and more of my formulation of T/C+. Together, these will provide the raw materials my heart needs to keep itself in regular rhythm.

I have found that various minerals play significant roles with specific biological sugars and your metabolism. Studies show that magnesium is responsible for the function of more than 350 enzymes and is used to help transport glucose into the cell. Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body.

More research is needed but it appears that I need more magnesium for overall improved metabolism especially for processing what I call Smart Sugars.

LIFE is in the blood
Since LIFE is in the blood, better insight into the blood cell should be the crown jewel of all things medical. The most basic blood analysis determines the blood type.

Each blood type is determined by how the biological sugars are arranged on the surface of the cells that make up the four basic blood types: A, B, AB and O. To transfuse the wrong blood type is to kill the recipient.

Amazing knowledge is to be discovered in the glycans. Glycoscience is the new frontier of medical science as was publically acknowledged in 2012 by every significant scientific organization and association in their publication
Transforming Glycoscience - A Roadmap for the Future.

A quote from this book: Glycans impact the structure/function of every living cell in humans, animals and plants.”

These glycans are natural functional sugars that coat the ~70 trillion cells of our bodies. Without the glycans, the cell cannot live. Healthy cells have some 800,000 glycans and glycoprotein receptor and transmitter sites. The antennas lubricate the cells and give them the slipperiness for better blood flow.

High Blood Pressure, Anger and
Smart Sugars
It is evident that high blood pressure was a significant contributor to the stroke. High blood pressure is often the result of restricted blood flow. Until recently my blood pressure has been quite good � low normal.  My high blood pressure was compounded by my anger problem especially toward deception, lies and politically incoherent leadership decisions that damage my family, my friends and my country. We have to learn - I need to learn - to relax in the middle of the chaos.

High blood pressure is called “The Silent Killer” and affects nearly one third of Americans and is one of the major health problems of this century. Stress, obesity, drugs, smoking and too much salt are the chief contributors to high blood pressure.

High blood pressure stresses the heart and puts abnormal pressure on your blood passageways. This can result in loss of elasticity of arterial walls.

The sugar Trehalose is known to strengthen the cell membrane. This fact alone is of significant importance during high blood pressure episodes. Without question, Smart Sugars contributed to my speedy recovery.

Additional Food for Thought:

Unbelievable length of blood flow
Scientists have concluded that we have somewhere around 100,000 MILES of blood pathways in the human body. We have some 70 trillion cells that are nourished by the blood. If you are a healthy person, you probably have another 100 trillion cells that are not yours in the form of bacteria, viruses and other parasites. If you have inflammation, the number of cells not your own are multiplied in your body but the blood has to nourish them all.

Unbelievable length for flow of thought
Approximately twenty-five percent (25%) of the oxygen you breath goes to your brain. It is carried to your brain by blood. Oxygen is vital to ignite the synapsis to carry thought and communication. We have ~100,000 MILES of fibers in the brain.

Unbelievable length of the DNA
Inside each of your estimated 70 trillion cells is a coiled DNA strand. When unwound, the DNA is some six (6) feet in length. Calculating the unbelievable combined DNA length made my brain hurt: 6' x 70 trillion = 420 trillion feet � 5,280 = ~80 billion miles of DNA in one human body. Karen thinks that I should stop counting and relax more in between my new exercise program.

You should follow the recommendation of your doctor. Everyone is unique and you should discuss your options with your physician concerning afib or any other health challenge. The doctor is there for your benefit. There are times to obtain a second opinion.

No cure or treatment claims are intended or implied. Reporting and publishing of educational material does not provide legal or personal advice. Readers should be aware that any educational information may contain inherent or potential risks and there is no guarantee of any kind. We encourage general financial contributions to help us cover operational expenses and designated contributions for specific studies, pilot surveys, or medical research projects concerning various ongoing research and discoveries as will be outlined upon request.

Sources, References, Disclaimer and
Related Lessons with additional References:

Doctors of the Future May Have No Need to Treat or Cure Disease! Physicians will rely on Glycoscience Diagnostics

Proteins Folded By Unseen Influences That Contribute to Diabetes, Stress, Dementia, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s,
Huntington’s, MS and ALS http://www.endowmentmed.org/content/view/1357/1/

Which form of Magnesium is best? And, which foods contain Magnesium?  http://ods.od.nih.gov/factsheets/Magnesium-HealthProfessional/

Transforming Glycoscience - A Roadmap for the Future
The National Academies - Advisers to the Nation on Science, Engineering and Medicine

Blood Types and Groups







SMART SUGARS     www.OneSmartSugar.com/video.html

Expand Your Mind - Improve Your Brain

Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life

Glycoscience Lesson #29


� The Endowment for Medical Research, Inc.