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Psychotropic Drugs Treating ADHD is a Domestic Enemy - Lesson #48

Psychotropic Drugs Treating ADHD is a Domestic Enemy

A National Disaster of Dangerous Proportions that Damages our Young

Glycoscience Lesson #48

by JC Spencer

An American Veteran�s national campaign against psychotropic drugs was forming in 2003. I was asked to design the campaign with Four-Star Marine General Raymond Davis. The declared domestic enemy was damaging the minds, emotions, and behavior of our children.

My good friend Jim Cabaniss, founder of American Veterans In Domestic Defense (AVIDD), introduced me to General Davis. We were excited about his eagerness to champion the cause. He would help save many children by leading the fight and recruiting an all volunteer army of veterans.

Our PR campaign would use various action phrases such as: Join General Raymond Davis in his final battle to save America�s Children. �Ray� Davis was our most decorated hero. His other battles were in World War II, the Korean War, and the Vietnam Conflict. His commanding officers were Truman, Eisenhower, Nixon, Ford, Bush, Kennedy, and Reagan.

Each person in the military had already pledged to defend America against every enemy, foreign and domestic. The campaign for General Davis to lead American Veterans into battle against this domestic enemy would be victorious; however, Ray suffered a heart attack and died on August 6, 2003 at the age of 88.

Today the Investigative Journalist Alan Schwarz is fighting the battle against psychotropic drugs through his book, ADHD Nation. Schwarz was the author of the book and documentary, Head Game, which brought to light concussions in sports that result in brain injuries, drug abuse and suicidal thoughts. Concussion, the major 2015 motion picture, exposed the NFL coverup that resulted in deaths of some players. Scores of deceased NFL players were found to have brain disease.

In the book ADHD Nation, Alan Schwarz calls ADHD misdiagnosis �a national disaster of dangerous proportions.� Some legal drugs given our children are as dangerous as cocaine and have lifelong consequences. He believes that perhaps two-thirds of the children diagnosed with ADHD are not ADHD. His book is a damning indictment of the pharmaceutical industry and clearly outlines what is damaging our youth in the name of mental health. Schwarz sees big pharma using academic pressures on our young people and their families.

Of course, big pharma is defending the indefensible and denies the undeniable that children are trading these legal drugs in schools, that there are vast numbers of misdiagnosis cases, and that the CDC could not be right in their evaluations. The CDC reported in 2013 that approximately 6% of U.S. adolescents aged 12 � 19 use psychotropic drugs and 3.2% use antidepressants.

The simple fact is that harmful sugars in food and drinks produce or compound ADHD like symptoms. Another simple fact is that Smart Sugars have a very positive affect while improving brain function. We were excited to participate in a sugar research in Israel with the conclusion that the One Smart Sugar - Trehalose was actually an anti-depressant.

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Change Your Sugar, Change Your Life


Glycoscience Lesson #48


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