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A Look in the Mirror � Excerpt from To Kill A Rat � Chapter Ten - Lesson #51

A Look in the Mirror � Excerpt from To Kill A Rat � Chapter Ten

Glycoscience Lesson #51

by JC Spencer

"We have met the enemy and he is us." � Walt Kelly, in his most famous cartoon character, Pogo, spoke his most famous recorded words.

The silent battle to mask symptoms has built the medical road on which we travel today. The central theme of medical and healthcare became "Fix me, doctor." The ever new miracle wonder drug enabled the doctor and patient to kick the can down the road of sickness.

Co-dependent on each other, the patient and doctor continued to skip down the road together. The patient, in-lieu-of accepting responsibility for his or her own health, paid the doctor to handle that responsibility. With each discomfort, the patient demanded another "fix" today. Drugs often met the need of the moment and the allopathic road was built. The road was paved with good intentions.

So, here we are, with a broken medical system based on the demands of the patient as though healthcare is a right instead of a responsibility. Like a cancer, the cry mutated from, "Fix me now." to "Fix me now because good health is my right." Then it metastasized, "And, I want someone else to pay for it."

The road we take, the habits we form, are triggered by how we respond or react. Human nature is to do whatever it takes to survive. Beyond the basic survival instinct is the immense crave for immediate self-gratification even when it is not urgent or perhaps not even important.

From the perspective of a diabetic, "It is much easier to eat the donut than to not eat the donut." It is more difficult to be proactive than to take the easy road of eating another donut. Responsibility is the right. Health is the choice for most people.

A wise response is based on intellectual integrity calculated for future success. A hasty reaction is based on the emotional need or desire of the moment. Our intent may be honorable � be it response or reaction. But, as we observe the medical landscape, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

Because of resistant bacteria and mutating viruses, many doctors and research scientists understand that we are about out of can and road.

In addition to man becoming his own worst enemy. Nobel laureate, Dr. Joshua Lederberg, has stated, "Our only real competitors for dominion of the planet remain the viruses."

It is a time for results. It is time we seek the road of wellness by discovering the cause and effect and develop a common cure for all diseases. The cure is through immunology. Immunology is our natural prevention system. We are not to die sick. We are to live healthy lives on the road of wellness. We may all die but we do not have to die sick.

It is a time for truth, action, and results. Pointing fingers and blaming the FDA, the government, the drug companies, the doctors is going down the same road of chaos. The truth is that we have been on the road of sickness instead of wellness. The action each of us needs to take is to first look in the mirror and take a good look at the enemy.

There is no action required to battle the enemy of self nor anyone else. Just get on the right road. You will not be alone on this road of wellness. This is not an alternative route. This is not even a complementary route. This road of wellness is an integrative route and everyone is welcome to go this route and to bring their neighbors.

Doctors will become better doctors and their patients will thank them and tell their neighbor how great is their doctor. For many years, my motto has been, "Whatever works the best and helps people the most and does no harm."

"Do no harm" will be brought back into the equation through Glycoscience. It is we the people who have driven the market for drugs. And, it is we the people who have been the enemy. And, it is we the people who must get on the road of wellness instead of the road of sickness.

It is we the people who must free ourselves from the tether of the FDA’s LD50 rule.

Walt Kelly and his character, Pogo, would be proud that we have finally recognized who is the enemy.

Source and References:

The book: To Kill A Rat Available at endowmentmed.org


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Glycoscience Lesson #51


© The Endowment for Medical Research, Inc. http://endowmentmed.org

Last Updated ( Mar 14, 2017 at 07:16 PM )