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Computer games Kill 12-year old
 Healthy boy obsessed with playing 12 hours daily suffers hemorrhage

A 12-year-old schoolboy reportedly addicted to computer games has died as a result of his 12-hour-per-day obsession.

The incident took place in the western Russian town of Yekaterinburg, as the boy, identified only as Sergei, was allowed by his parents to attend a computer club as a reward for getting good grades in school.

"When this boy came last time, he felt quite good and played for long, almost for 12 hours," an employee at the club told the Novye Izvestia newspaper. "Then suddenly he fell on the floor and convulsed. We called an ambulance immediately, doctors arrived fast and took him to a hospital."

The child was diagnosed as having suffered an epileptic seizure, not even able to recognize his parents. Sergei had trouble breathing and was put on a ventilator, but eight days after his collapse, he died in the hospital from a stroke.


Computer clubs are popular across the globe (courtesy: South Carolina Chamber of Commerce)

"He was dying but could not tear himself from the game," said Alexei Sulimov, a senior doctor who said he and his colleagues were shocked by the death. "Brain hemorrhage took place due to sustained emotional stimulation of the brain. The boy had overworked. ...

"This was the result of emotional stress because he was obsessed with the games. Apart from his obsession with computer games he was a healthy kid and there was no reason why he should not have had a long and healthy life."

Government officials in Yekaterinburg have reportedly begun checking on local computer clubs to see if they're in violation of any city ordinances.


Last Updated ( Dec 13, 2005 at 08:36 AM )