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Fetuses Harvested for Cosmetic Procedures

Fetuses harvested for cosmetic procedures

Exclusive clinics in various worldwide locations are offering face lifts and cosmetic procedures, using tissues from aborted fetuses and stem cells from human embryos. The cells are said to rejuvenate the skin.

The optimum age of the fetus is 8 to 12 weeks. Reportedly, women in poor nations are paid up to $200 to carry a baby until the appropriate time for �harvesting� the cells.

UK stem-cell researcher Colin Blakemore told the London Daily Mail that the therapies are �highly experimental� and could damage the reputation of legitimate researchers.

The clinics, many of which are located in tourist destinations, are unregulated by any international body. There are 50 clinics in Moscow, including the Cellulite Clinic. Complications are hushed up, Blakemore said.

�This savage and repulsive �brave new world� of human sacrifices in the quest for eternal youth is a prime example of the end results when all moral boundaries are destroyed,� said Dr. Janice Shaw Crouse of Concerned Women for America. (Steven Ertelt, LifeNews.com 8/8/06).

Source AAPS