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Study Reports on the Toxin Bisphenol-a (BPA)

(Houston - April 15, 2008) - J. C. Spencer

Bisphenol-a has been detected in 93% of the human population over 6 years of age.  Bisphenol-a today may be as serious to our society as lead pipes were to the Roman Empire.  BPA has been used in plastics since the 1950s.  Laboratory studies have linked BPA with breast cancer, prostate cancer, early puberty in females and behavioral changes according to a study released April 15, 2008. 

BPA is found in baby bottles and linings of canned powdered baby formula and liquid baby formula.  Mike Shelby, director of the Center for Evaluation for Risks to Human Reproduction, who oversaw the report said, “[BPA] is everywhere.”

Because BPA is readily absorbed through food and drink containers, it is a potentially serious threat to the human population.  Add this carcinogen to other plasticizers we reported on earlier and we have a major health concern.

David L. Busbee, PhD, head of Toxicology and Genetics at the College of Veterinary Medicine, College of Medicine, and School of Rural Public Health at Texas A&M University presented his work on plasticizers in Texas drinking water at the Glycomics Medical Conference sponsored by The Endowment for Medical Research.  His research showed how these toxins alter gene expression and how specific sugars may prevent and even correct the altered gene expression.* 

While Dr. Busbee’s findings show a correction in altered gene expression is possible with some sugars, more research is needed to determine how well plant sugars (glyconutrients) can be used to detoxify these carcinogens from the human body.

*These presentations are available to educational institutions, healthcare professions, and educators as a Glycomics Medical DVD Series at https://www.endowmentmed.org/donations/index.php?l=product_detail&p=9

Ref. Houston Chronicle April 15, 2008
Last Updated ( Jul 21, 2008 at 09:25 AM )