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Chapter One

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Evaluation Forms

Huntington’s General
Health Evaluation
FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

Parkinson's General
Health Evaluation
FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

Alzheimer / Dementia
General Health Evaluation
FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

Diabetic Health Evaluation
FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

General Public Health
Evaluation FORM for
Trehalose Nutritional
Pilot Survey (For General
Public without Huntington’s,
Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s.)

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The Endowment for Medical Research, Inc.

Affiliate Program

The Endowment for Medical Research, Inc has established an Affiliate Program to reward other non-profit organizations, medical institutions, clinics, physicians, healthcare professionals and any members of the general public with a passion to educate others in Glycomics - the science of sugars.

Posting an approved Link on your website will bring your friends, family and contacts to the educational website, www.endowmentmed.org, where they can obtain free information about the science of Glycomics and purchase items from our Store Front.

A Certified Unique Link tagged to your website allows us to credit an established percentage of each sale processed through The Endowment�s Store Front back to you, the Affiliate.

Your affiliate link can be used in a web site, as a link in an e-mail, offline promotions, any plain text applications or even link it to your own images or banners. When the link is clicked, we will track your clicks, leads, and any commissionable sales.

Apply Now for an approved WebSite Link.

If you don�t have a website but would like to �Share The Sugar Story� and help educate all the people you know about the science of Glycomics, apply here for a Certified Unique Link. This link can then be inserted in e-mails that you send to people you want to help educate about the wonderful world of sugar.

It is our intent to maintain the highest level of integrity for each Affiliate. The following rules apply:

  • An Affiliate�s tag is established when anyone comes to www.endowmentmed.org through your certified Affiliate website/e-mail connection. The first order placed through The Endowment�s Store Front will lock that particular sale and all futures sales from that person** to your unique Affiliate tag.
  • ** That person is established by name, address, phone number, IP address and e-mail address and will be assigned a code number for internal purposes.
  • The exception to this rule is when a customer comes through the Affiliate�s tag who has previously purchased something through our Store Front. In that case, only this one sale will be credited to the Affiliate�s account.

Checks are to be cut once a month, with funds moved via electronic transfer or credit applied to a debit or gift card. You may also request that those funds be applied to discount certificates redeemable for purchases at The Endowment�s Store Front and receive double credits towards your purchase.

Last Updated ( Oct 10, 2008 at 04:23 PM )