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Neurological Disorders May be Caused by Defective Calcium Metabolism
Neurological Disorders May be Caused by Defective Calcium Metabolism

Neurological Disorders May be Caused by Defective Calcium Metabolism

Comments by J.C. Spencer

Deranged calcium signaling is caused by disruptive calcium flow within nerve cells. Cell-to-cell communication and intra-cellular communication is the cause for neurodegenerative diseases. Abnormal calcium release is toxic to cells and results in impaired motor function, said Dr. Ilya Bezprozvanny, professor of physiology at UT Southwestern and senior author of the study published in the Nov. 26 issue of the Journal of Neuroscience.

I discuss defective calcium metabolism in my book Expand Your Mind - Improve Your Brain in Chapter 32 entitled Age well - He who finishes last, finishes well. Concerning calcium metabolism I stated, �Usually the enzym calpain, which depends on calcium for its activity, keeps the buildup of protein down. So, inadequate dietary calcium means that too much protein can build up because there is not enough calpain to keep the synapses clean. Unfortunately, an excess of calcium in the diet also creates a problem because the calpain may start to interfere with proper neural transmissions. Calpain can be an enemy of proper brain function when it is not regulated. Proper calcium balance in the brain is vital.�

Moderation in all things produces better brain health and that includes proper intake of magnesium which serves as a calcium blocker when excess calcium is in the system.

Click here for the full report (pdf file)

Last Updated ( Nov 27, 2008 at 01:24 PM )