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Evaluation Forms

Huntington’s General
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FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

Parkinson's General
Health Evaluation
FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

Alzheimer / Dementia
General Health Evaluation
FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

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FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

General Public Health
Evaluation FORM for
Trehalose Nutritional
Pilot Survey (For General
Public without Huntington’s,
Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s.)

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HOT Links of Interest
Web Link Hits
     LEARN GENETICS interactive sliding scale
The University of Utah has developed a LEARN GENETICS interactive sliding scale of seeds, cells, molecules including glucose, water, and carbon. Simply slide the bar back and forth to change the sizes.
     Unlocking the Mystery of LIFE
Now you can explore compelling evidence for design and purpose in the universe with three remarkable DVDs.
     The sugar trehalose
     Inside the Human Cell by NIH (sugar info highlighted in yellow)
     World Clock & Growing Data
     Chronic Lyme Disease
     Stem Cell Function
     Cosmic Nebula Looks Like DNA
     Via Toy Box
Even ADhD Kids Get Organized Via ToyBox
US Goverment Science Site for Kids
     Secret Worlds: The Universe Within
Florida State University in Tallahassee, Florida has put up a very interesting page on their site. It begins as a view of the Milky Way Galaxy viewed from a distance of 10 million light years and then Zooms in towards Earth in powers of ten.
  • HOT Links of Interest   (11)