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Evaluation Forms

Huntington’s General
Health Evaluation
FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

Parkinson's General
Health Evaluation
FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

Alzheimer / Dementia
General Health Evaluation
FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

Diabetic Health Evaluation
FORM for Trehalose
Nutritional Pilot Survey

General Public Health
Evaluation FORM for
Trehalose Nutritional
Pilot Survey (For General
Public without Huntington’s,
Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s.)

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For Immediate Release

Subject: Houston public charity to evaluate effects of the sugar trehalose on devastating Huntington’s disease (HD).

May 5, 2008 (Houston) Huntington’s is one of the most devastating health challenges known to humans. Huntington’s is hereditary and children normally have the gene but do not develop the tremors until later in life. There is no known cure for this deadly neurodegenerative disease.

J. C. Spencer, CEO of The Endowment for Medical Research announced that the non-profit organization is seeking major funding for Huntington’s clinical trials. “Meanwhile, we have designed a low budget self funding, self or family evaluation system, to gather needed data showing benefits from the sugar trehalose.”

Laboratory animal research using trehalose has already shown that this sugar may be beneficial in some neurodegenerative diseases. Other research indicates that it may strengthen cell membrane under certain conditions.

The Endowment for Medical Research hopes to gather data from a few thousand participants over an extended period of time to provide important information toward future pilot surveys and clinical studies and published papers.

Trehalose is found in nature and has been tested to produce lower insulin and blood glucose responses than regular sugar. Trehalose is two glucose molecules uniquely bonded together resulting in a sugar about 45% as sweet as table sugar with a very clean taste and can replace the sugar in your sugar bowl.

The Endowment for Medical Research is a 501(c)(3) faith-based research and educational public charity based in Houston. The organization has conducted nutritional pilot surveys throughout the US and some foreign countries. More information or forms to participate in the study are available at www.endowmentmed.org at the following links:

Huntington’s General Health Evaluation FORM for Trehalose Nutritional Pilot Survey

Parkinson's General Health Evaluation FORM for Trehalose Nutritional Pilot Survey

Alzheimer / Dementia General Health Evaluation FORM for Trehalose Nutritional Pilot Survey

Diabetic Health Evaluation FORM for Trehalose Nutritional Pilot Survey

General Public Health Evaluation FORM for Trehalose Nutritional Pilot Survey (For General Public without Huntington’s,Alzheimer’s, or Parkinson’s.)

Last Updated ( Jul 21, 2008 at 09:26 AM )